what I’ve been watching (1)

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I am a huge tv series buff. Massive. I love my movies, of course, but give me a good tv series and I will be more than content.

There are many more specialised people out there who write thorough critical reviews, so I will limit myself to short, blunt opinions, and perhaps some analysis.

Bloodline – A Netflix based one season only (so far) show. I’m always happy to reencounter old friends (such as coach from Friday Night Lights).

Plot: this seemingly happy successful family has lived in the Florida Keys forever and owns an hotel will be honoured, which brings the dreaded return of Danny, the eldest-messed-up brother. As the show advances you realize that there had been another sister who passed away, the father blamed Danny and  beat him up good (no temper managing over here). You get all of this from flashbacks and such.

The whole show is narrated in John’s voice, claiming something bad the siblings had done to their brother Danny. It is a sibling saga, a murder, perhaps, drugs involved, a dreaded past, an angry violent parent, ladida… the usual. Half of the season is spent showing how Danny’s messed up life is due to the fact that the father beat the living hell out of him and no one stood up for him.

The other half of the season is spent showing Danny’s true colors: manipulative, kind of evil, selfish, careless, etc.

The way it is filmed is nothing spectacular, nor is the narrative arc.

Bottomline: It is quite entertaining but something worth binge watching? not so much.


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